Wednesday, September 12, 2012


THE CREATIVE GODDESS uses a creative platform to share the experiences and voices of women around the world. Bridging the gap between cultures, religions, beliefs and traditions with art and creativity. Giving a voice to the voiceless she advocates for the empowerment and growth of women globally. Inspiring the youth to be agents of change and respecting themselves as a valuable commodity on this Universe. With a quest for art and life she is a renaissance feminist dancing to her own drum.

Without my Roots there is no Story….

Without my Roots there is no Story….
Deeply rooted in knowing who I am I tell my story to anyone that will listen.
Spreading it like bonchinche on a hot summer day… not caring what people say because today….
I AM A FEMINIST fighting like a fierce warrior… A child rearing soldier to my own army, winning battles and making sacrifices only a woman can survive. Paving the concrete and making ends meet from day to night. I AM my biggest advocate, I am the brick house that the big bad wolf can’t blow down, no matter how hard he try and pry I continue to stand by. I am the precious crown jewels shining bright day and night. I AM faith, trust, loyalty, love. I AM my own healer, medicine woman, shaman, curandera breaking and destroying all that does not serve a purpose in my body or soul, because spirit tells me so. I AM A FEMINIST standing tall, rooted and nourished. Armed with the tools of my Abuela and Mother … The tools of ….“THE ISM”
 You can’t just become a feminist… it’s something your born with. Like the color of your eyes, the color of your hair, your heart, lungs, hands and feet… it’s a part of you and who you are from seed to inception. We are not some green aliens that want to take over the world. We are not here to vote for gynecocracy and rule with an iron fist and golden *****. We come in all shapes, shades and sizes.
We use the tools that shaped our lives to support our communities, environments and rights. We are professionals, artists, leaders, mothers, daughters, grandmothers, advocates, educators, writers, thinkers, movers and shakers…. changing lives, laws and thoughts.
She is brave, strong, confident, sensitive, compassionate and passionate, she is assertive but not aggressive, independent and a straight shooter. She walks the walk and talks the talk no matter the risk, she is a lady on a mission, a woman starting a revolution
lead by women in skirts, pants
Stockings and work boots
women with flowers in their hair
dancing to the tune of their own care
decorative Camouflage jackets
Fully loaded weapons of mass destruction… I call ……
Paint, canvas and a Mission
We have a vision ……
With no split decision, that will for sure cause a collision
But with precision ….we envision …an exorcism….
to gender division
And there is no need for supervision to this... circumcision
The incision ….will reveal a plan …with no condition
So as we cut thru a new declaration
Hear the walk, hear the talk
Can you hear the march?

Written by Mia Roman  © 2012
Art By Mia cr2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Heart Chakra Art Workshop with Mia

The Art By Mia mission is to be a participant of the evolution of consciousness and facilitate transformation with ourselves and others through a creative process and inner revolution. Using color is one way of clearing a path to our self, soul, and hearts causing an explosion of expansion. Your creative journey is a metaphor for your life, surrender to it and enjoy the ride.

The soul moves through the cosmos without leaving any karmic footprints.

Experience a Creative Heart Chakra workshop with Mia... Guided meditation with heart energy stones and intuitive heart art creation. NO ART EXPERIENCE NECESSARY...When our chakras are blocked, or not in balance, the free flow of energy is impeded, leading to physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual dis-ease. Clearing the heart chakra can be fun, join us and experience the "oneness" and "all that is". Loving SELF is a MUST!! GET IN THE MEDITATION ZONE AND CREATE FROM THE HEART! Small intimate groups with limited seats... NOT AN OPEN OR DROP IN WORKSHOP… YOU MUST RESERVE YOUR SPACE.

Date: February 25th, 2012 – Time: 130 – 3P – Location: Lower East Side of NYC -

Nothing is impossible when it’s done from the heart.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or disk. Chakras are the seven main energy centers of the human energy system. They are area in the body that take in energy from the outside, process that energy internally, and express it back out again. Like flowers, chakras close and open; they protect themselves from harmful energy. Chakras out of balance are either too opened and absorb everything or closed and do not let anything in.

The experience of facing the unknown and allowing a world to arise from the void is the ultimate act of creation.

4th Chakra / Heart Chakra / An-ahata
(Universal Love – All Life, Significant others) Love, Compassion, Forgiveness

Meditation is a method for synchronizing body and mind in the present moment. When your body and mind are in sync, we are naturally relaxed, alert, open, and aware. In this way, meditation can provide physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits.
By first meditating in the heart chakra you will have the source for creative self expression and processing art. In this workshop you will paint with watercolors, draw and collage your authentic vision. Your talismanic collage will help you support your heart/soul by listening to yourself, seeing yourself, valuing, honoring and caring for yourself.

Process art is the antithesis of “coloring inside the lines”. It’s a form of deep play and a powerful way to access the dynamic life force of creativity that comes so naturally to children.


To register for the workshop or more information contact Mia at Take the leap and reserve your space today. ♥